Sales Personality Test Preparation & Tips – 2025

For years, companies have been employing pre-employment psychometric assessments as a part of the hiring process. In recent years, with the increase in college graduates, it has become more necessary to employ these various screening processes. Below we discuss some of the hurdles job seekers need to look out for if they are currently shopping around for a sales job.
What Do Employers Look for in a Salesperson?
What makes a Salesperson? Meeting your targets and winning over customers take a special kind of person. Below are some of the characteristics expected of a great salesperson:
- Competitive – Salespeople generally enjoy comparing their skills to that of their peers. They don’t get discouraged and can easily bounce back from a loss.
- Goal Orientated – Salespersons are usually goal-oriented. This would make perfect sense, as their primary job is to meet sales targets.
- Ambitious – Salespersons are generally driven to succeed.
- People-Oriented – Salespeople are excellent communicators and generally mesh well with others.
- Independent – Salespersons are self-starters and should be able to work without the input of others.
- Patient – Clients are different, some take more work than others. Salespersons need to be able to bide their time in order to win over these clients.
- Persuasiveness– A salesperson should be convincing and have the ability to influence others. This should not, however, be mistaken for forcefulness, as a salesperson needs to be perceived by their customer as trustworthy.
What Are the Personality Tests for Sales Jobs?
Many different personality tests are used in the hiring process of Salespersons. Below is a list of tests that are often used:
- 16 Personality Factor (16pf)– Developed by Dr. Raymond Cattell, this test assesses how candidates may react to various work conditions.
- MBTI Sixteen Personality– Uses the polar dimensions of four basic areas of a candidate’s personality to develop a candidate’s personality profile. These four areas are:
- Interaction with the world
- Absorption of information
- Decision-making
- Organization
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator– Administered by CPP, it is possibly the most popular personality test on the market. The test is frequently used as a part of the hiring process for sales jobs. It is also used to help employers learn and understand what makes their employees tick and devise ways to inspire them.
- Caliper Profile Assessment Test– This test is an assessment which provides insights on the applicant’s personality traits and how they are directly related to their performance on the job.
- DiSC Personality Inventory Profile – This is a measure of the candidate’s personality as well as their behavior patterns, revealing whether the candidate would make a good salesperson or not.
- StrengthsFinder– This test assesses a candidate and identifies his/her strengths. Employers use this assessment to determine whether a candidate has any strengths in sales.
Interpreting Scores of a Sales Personality Test
The traits examined on sales personality tests are usually measured using scales. The scales are designed with ranges for each characteristic, which include what is considered to be an “ideal” range for each trait, based on the job. This is based on the notion that these traits correlate with job success. These scales are illustrated using charts with green being ideal, yellow neutral and red being the non-ideal range.
How to Pass A Personality Test For Sales?
Personality tests are difficult because the questions can all be answered in so many ways. While the examiners are looking for a particular type of person, the truth is, either you fit the bill, or you don’t. Since these exams are designed to evaluate your response to certain scenarios, it is always advised that while taking the test, you try to assume the role of the post for which you applied. In this case, that role is a salesperson. Think like a salesperson and try to answer the questions focusing on how you would react or behave in the situations outlined in the exam.
Salesperson personality tests are scored by taking into account the consistency of the answers provided. Some of the questions are fairly similar, testing for the same trait, and are just merely reworded. These questions, therefore, should have similar answers. Ensure you read the questions carefully and try to answer the questions accordingly. This tactic is meant to prevent candidates from simply supplying answers that they think the examiner wants to hear.
One of the greatest worries for test takers is the time limits associated with some exams. While the examiners usually provide candidates with ample time to complete the exam, exam anxiety is still a major hurdle, with candidates sometimes feeling anxious just by entering the assessment center. It is easier said than done but focus on completing the exam and do not worry about the time.
Practice tests are the final piece to the puzzle. While they may not come with questions and answers, practicing the questions should be enough to help you prepare. It would be even wiser if you did these tests under exam conditions.
Now that you have a solid idea of what exams you may encounter and you have received tips about how to prepare for them, you can jump right in and get started. While there aren’t necessarily any study guides for these types of exams, just believe in yourself and don’t slack off on the preparation.
All the best, sell hard!