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Walmart Supervisor Assessment Online Preparation – 2025

Aptitude Employment Tests Prep

If you are hoping to advance your retail career, or are hoping to step into management at Walmart, a position as a supervisor may be for you. The position of supervisor is an hourly leadership role. You will be responsible for an area of the store. You will be in charge of training your team, helping ensure customer satisfaction, and maintaining inventory.

As a supervisor, you will be eligible for benefits that include healthcare plans, retirement investment, stock purchase plans, tuition assistance, parental leave, and associate discounts.


Walmart Teaming Employment Assessment (TEA)

To be considered for a role as a Walmart Supervisor, you will need to demonstrate specific skills. You will need to have strong communication skills, a flair for customer service, and good team working abilities. To prove that you are a good fit for the role, you will be required to take an online assessment test.

This test is designed to measure your aptitude in the areas necessary for being a good supervisor. The test will also reflect how well your personality suits Walmart’s core values. The test is multiple-choice, with each question meant to demonstrate a specific value. The core values you need to be familiar with are:

  • Service to the customer
  • Respect for the individual
  • Strive for excellence
  • Act with integrity


The Walmart Supervisor Assessment is broken into several sections.

  • Work With Associates – You will use your past experience to answer the situational judgment questions in this section. These situations will all regard the challenges of managing a team. You will have different scenarios to solve, and you will be given several courses of action. You will need to select both the best and worst of the given actions.
  • Manage Your Area – You will be given charts using information that you would need to run your area. You will need to be able to read the charts and make decisions based on the information they contain.
  • Manage Your Day – This section is all about how you prioritize tasks. This includes daily tasks, along with situations that may suddenly develop in the course of your day. You will be given a set of tasks and you will need to rank them in order of importance.
  • Tell Us Your Story – In this section, the focus switches to your personality. You will need to answer a series of questions about yourself. Some of them concern how you believe other people perceive you and your past actions in the workplace.
  • Describe Your Approach – Here you will be asked about your workplace personality. This section is made up of 33 questions. Some of the questions will be very similar. This is because they are looking for consistency in your answers.

All leadership roles will require some version of this test. The questions will vary depending on the specific responsibilities of the role you have applied for.


How to Prepare for The Walmart TEA?

You will need to have superior scores in all areas of the TEA. If you show weakness in any area, you will no longer be in the running for the Supervisor position. To make it past the testing phase, you need to prepare yourself for what to expect on the TEA.

To be successful, focus on Walmart’s core values. Every question you are asked will be a reflection of how well you will represent these values. When you take the test, if you are torn between two answers, choose the one that best represents the Walmart values.

Learn as much as you can about the Supervisor role and the responsibilities you will have. This will help you anticipate the day-to-day challenges you may be asked about on the situational judgment test.

Try to be consistent in your answers. Some questions are phrased to seem different while actually asking the same thing. Pay careful attention to phrasing so your workplace personality seems balanced, and doesn’t throw up any red flags.