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Educational Jobs Assessment Tests, Hiring Process & Interviews Online Preparation – 2025

Solving Aptitude Tests

What Are Educational Jobs?

Jobs in education are not just for teachers. Colleges, school districts, and continuing education centers also rely upon trained support staff to keep things running smoothly. Administrative staff, paraprofessionals, librarians, and human resources personnel are also integral parts of the education system. While teaching staff and librarians must be degree holders, there are also positions within the education system that require only a 2-year degree, or certification. If you find the position that is right for you, working in education, childhood, or adult, can be very fulfilling.


What Is the Hiring Process in Educational Positions?


Applications for most jobs in education are available online. For state university positions or jobs within a school district, you can apply through the state website. They will have all positions listed by county. Private colleges, private schools, and adult learning centers will have their own websites where you can apply. When applying you will need to submit an updated resume and a cover letter. Make sure your cover letter is polished and professional, and that your resume has all your relevant experience listed.


Psychometric Tests

Before making hiring decisions, most educational institutions want to make sure they are making the correct decisions on who they interview. For this, they turn to online assessment tests. These provide instant results and combined with the resume and cover letter, help build a picture of the job-seeker. This saves them from wasting resources interviewing candidates who may not have the needed skills, or who are otherwise a poor fit. The content of the tests will vary by job, Teachers and instructors will be given different tests than administrators or security personnel. Some of the tests that are given include:

  • Personality Pre-Hire Tests These psychometric tests are given to applicants for most positions, including teachers. This test helps ensure that the test taker has a personality that is well suited to a role in education. Some things the personality tests indicate are how assertive an individual is, how empathetic they are, and what their drive for work is like
  • Cognitive Aptitude Tests This test is primarily given to teachers, but may also be given to applicants for human resources or administrative positions. This test is a combination of numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning. It will help give an idea of how well rounded the test taker is over-all, and if there are any weak areas, such as poor reading comprehension, which may affect their ability to properly perform the job.
  • Excel Test – Administrative assistants and those going into human resources, will need to demonstrate their facility in operating Excel, or any other commonly used office software.
  • Typing Test – Office staff will need to demonstrate their speed and accuracy with typing.
  • SJT



If your application makes the cut, your first interview will be a telephone screening. During this brief interview, you will be asked to verify your employment history and education. If they have any other questions about the information provided on your resume, they will ask it at this time. You can use this as an opportunity to clarify any questions you had about the position.

The in-person interview will be behavioral. This interview will help them get an idea of your working style, how well you work in a team environment, and if your experience makes you the right fit for the job. You may be interviewed by a panel, or by a member of human resources. Be prepared to go into detail with your answers, to give them a sense of why you are the best candidate for the job.


How to Prepare for Educational Jobs Psychometric Tests?

The online tests are a crucial part of the hiring process if you are hoping to get a job in education. They place a great deal of emphasis on the personality tests, and you will need to do well on any skill-based tests to make sure you stand out. If you know you will need to show proficiency in office software, review, and practice so you know your skills are sharp. Be honest on the personality test, but be prepared for the questions you might be asked, by learning about the school or district you are applying to.

Take the tests in a stress-free environment where you will not be distracted. You need to be able to concentrate so you do not make costly mistakes. Make sure the device you use to take the tests is compatible with the test, you will most likely need to use a laptop or PC instead of a mobile device. Online testing is becoming an integral part of the hiring process, and if you are ready for them you will be setting yourself up for success in getting a job in education.


Biggest Universities and Colleges in the USA:

California Institute of Technology University of Massachusetts George Mason University Cornell University
University of Illinois University of South Florida University of Michigan Indiana University
UCLA University of Pennsylvania University of Maryland Rutgers University
University of California Carnegie Mellon University University of Virginia University of Utah
Washington University Purdue University – Online Saint Louis University Boston University
Oregon Health & Science University Michigan State University Stony Brook University Dartmouth College
University of Southern California The Ohio State University The University of Iowa Purdue University
University of Colorado The University of Arizona University of Chicago Drexel University
MIT Johns Hopkins University Vanderbilt University Temple University
University of Tennessee Knoxville University of Washington Georgetown University Howard University
University of California, Merced University of California University of Florida Tulane University
Georgia Institute of Technology University of Pittsburgh University at Buffalo Brown University
University of Wisconsin Madison Arizona State University Princeton University Emory University
Case Western Reserve University University of Notre Dame Texas A&M University Tufts University
North Carolina State University Florida State University Stanford University Yale University
University of Texas Northwestern University Columbia University Duke University
Pennsylvania State University University of Minnesota New York University Rice University
University of Hawaii University of Rochester University of Miami Rush University
George Washington University Northeastern University Brandeis University Boston College
The University of New Mexico Anschutz Medical Campus Harvard University Virginia Tech


Biggest Educational Institutions in Canada:

Memorial University of Newfoundland University of Manitoba University of Guelph
University of British Columbia University of Toronto Université du Québec
University of Saskatchewan University of Alberta McMaster University
Université de Sherbrooke University of Calgary Carleton University
Simon Fraser University University of Windsor Western University
Université de Montréal University of Ottawa Queen’s University
University of Waterloo Dalhousie University Ryerson University
University of Victoria Concordia University McGill University
Laval University York University